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A variety of faith formation opportunities are available at Prince of Peace for adults to grow in knowledge of the Catholic faith and nurture their relationship with Jesus Christ.

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55+ Better
Fifty-Five and Better

Throughout our adult lives, change is our constant companion.  Some of these changes or milestones leave us with a newfound identity or outlook and, as a result, we begin searching for our new niche -- maybe seeking a group to join with others who are 55 plus.  Perhaps your children are grown and flown and, as a couple, you are seeking fellowship with other empty-nesters. If this sounds like you or you and your spouse, then we invite you to consider Prince of Peace’s “55 and Better” ministry group.

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Women of Worship

This group meets at the church on Tuesday mornings at 9:30am. The class includes video presentations, a workbook and class discussion. New members are always welcome and a Zoom class option is available.​

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Ministry of Mothers Sharing

Our MOMs ministry offers parish mothers an opportunity to get together for social, spiritual and service activities during the school year. Complimentary childcare is provided in the Adventure Ark church nursery for children six months to five years of age. The ministry meets weekly on Friday's at 9:30am at the church. The group also meets Wednesday evenings for a month each fall and spring for a book study. They also plan other daytime and evening activities for members.

Building Strong Marriages

This 14-week program is designed to help married couples discover new ways to create the fulfilling and meaningful relationship they’ve always wanted to have. Many couples navigate marriage by balancing between his desires and her desires, or by choosing between keeping the peace and airing everything out. However, these approaches often lead to extremes and can hinder true connection. The Third Option offers practical tools to move past old baggage and misunderstandings, fostering an effective and loving partnership. Strong families begin with strong marriages.

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For Those Struggling With Loss

GriefShare is a thirteen-week grief support group for those grieving the death of a loved on beginning at Prince of Peace Catholic Church. At GriefShare you’ll watch a weekly video with relatable personal stories, insights from grief experts and relatable personal stories—followed by a time of sharing and support. Session topics include what's normal in grief; how to handle difficult emotions; and what to do with regrets, questions, and worries. All of this is offered from a Christian perspective. 

Interested in learning more about one of our
Adult Faith and Formation groups?

Connect with us online and someone will contact you.

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Have you heard about this new, dynamic, interactive tool that helps individuals, as well as family members and friends of older adults, plan for the challenges and joys of aging? The AgeReady assessment was designed to identify the important tasks often associated with successful aging and to offer older adults and their caregivers with guidance for preparing for age related life challenges. AgeReady was developed by partners of the James Houston Center for Faith & Successful Aging with the goal of enhancing the spiritual, emotional, economic, health & well-being of elders.


Click the button below and sign up for an account using the POP unique group code 030001.



Becoming Catholic is a Prince of Peace adult formation program which may lead to initiation into the Catholic Church. After successfully completing the program, adults are Confirmed and come into full communion with the Catholic Church. We warmly welcome those who already feel called to become Catholic, and those who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith but who have not decided whether to join the Catholic Church. It is also an opportunity for confirmed Catholics–or anyone–to learn more about the Catholic faith. All are welcome.

JANUARY 12, 2025

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Lunch and Learn is a three-to-four part series on scripture and faith. Recent series have been on Romans, the Pastoral Letters of the New Testament, the healing miracles in the Gospels, and The Sermon on the Mount.

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Join us for “Parish Life Night” Wednesdays beginning again in January! Enjoy dinner together, and thoughtful presentations, meet and grow with new people, and celebrate God’s gift of community. If you have children in our Middle or High School youth ministries, it’s the perfect thing to do between drop-off and pick-up! During the Talks, Child Care is available in the Adventure Ark Nursery for children 4 and under.


A new program for Children in 5k-5th Grade, "Come Follow Me" will be provided by Sr. Madeleine Marie, SsEW, in the St Jude Room while parents enjoy the talks. 

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