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Pastoral Care for the sick and infirm is one of the most significant ways that we continue the ministry and mission of Jesus. Understood in the broad sense of "helping others," pastoral ministry is the responsibility of all Christians.


Lay volunteers are called to serve and support in the spiritual care of the frail and housebound as well as the sick and shut-ins and the hospitalized. Many parishioners live in assisted living and other communities where the Eucharist needs to be brought to them.


The needs of parishioners are varied, as is life itself. In times of bereavement, loss, unexpected changes, sickness, the hungry, the homeless, employment changes…. the list of needs goes on. These individuals, as part of our parish family, need and expect the care, support, and love that we have to offer.

Pastoral care volunteers can range in ages from teens to senior adults. If you are interested in in serving in this important ministry, please contact us.

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Have you heard about this new, dynamic, interactive tool that helps individuals, as well as family members and friends of older adults, plan for the challenges and joys of aging? The AgeReady assessment was designed to identify the important tasks often associated with successful aging and to offer older adults and their caregivers with guidance for preparing for age related life challenges. AgeReady was developed by partners of the James Houston Center for Faith & Successful Aging with the goal of enhancing the spiritual, emotional, economic, health & well-being of elders.


Click the button below and sign up for an account using the POP unique group code 030001.

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